Dessert Recipe Dessert Recipe Dessert Recipe Dessert Recipe Dessert Recipe

No-Jelly Trifle

Tanya Gilliam

For Dessert ( Cakes )


Published on

30 minutes to prepare and

Serves 8


Left-over cake or muffin pieces
Cream for whipping
Packet of instant pudding - chocolate
Packet of instant pudding - vanilla
Chocolate shavings, such as a Flake chocolate bar (optional)


Cut cake into bite-size pieces and place in bottom of large serving bowl.
Make up vanilla pudding mix according to directions on packet, pour over cake pieces, taking care that cake does not float. Put in fridge to set.
Make up chocolate pudding mix according to direction on packet, pour gently over vanilla pudding. Put in fridge to set.
Whip cream until thick, spread evenly over pudding, being careful not to mix the cream & chocolate. Sprinkle with shavings of chocolate & serve.


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