For Dessert ( Cakes, Chocolate )
Published on 09/07/11
60 minutes to prepare and 20 minutes to cook
Serves 16-18 joined macaroons
An easy recipe that is not as sweet as some recipes.
Still tastes great even if not shiny or has 'feet'. Some recipes have the almond left out on a tray to dry a little for a day or 2, and for the egg white to be left out on the bench to get 'old' over night. Try it if you have time.
posted 1 decade ago
i'm going to have to try these
posted 1 decade ago
Yep! I have a canon dslr (500d) with a proper speedlite, its great for taking food photos!
posted 1 decade ago
Wow, they look great!!! Nice photo by the way, did you take it yourself?