Dessert Recipe Dessert Recipe Dessert Recipe Dessert Recipe Dessert Recipe

Chocolate and Almond Truffles

Kristine Czak Messig

For Dessert ( Chocolate, Cheese )


Published on

20 minutes to prepare and

Serves 6


These truffles are very rich and tasty. They're also quick and easy to make.


200g good quality dark chocolate
125g philadelphia cream cheese
1 tablespoon of honey
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1/4 cup slivered almonds toasted and chopped roughly
1/4 cup cocoa


Melt the chocolate and add the honey and vanilla.
Beat the cream cheese into the mixture until smooth.
Add the almonds and mix well.
Refrigerate until set.
Scoop out large teaspoons of the mixture and roll into balls.
Roll the balls in the cocoa and put them back in the fridge until ready to serve.


You could use toasted hazelnuts instead of almonds if you like. Don't make the balls too large as they are quite rich in flavour. Makes about 24.


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