Dessert Recipe Dessert Recipe Dessert Recipe Dessert Recipe Dessert Recipe

Gluten Free Chocolate Macaroons

Tammy LeMesurier

For Dessert ( Cookies, Gluten Free, Chocolate )


Published on

30 minutes to prepare and

Serves lots of


Chocolate... mmm... coconut... double mmm.


In a LARGE dutch oven place;

1/2 cup margarine
1/2 cup milk
2 cups granulated white sugar

Bring to a boil and remove from heat. QUICKLY add:

6-7 tbsp gluten Free cocoa
1 tsp gluten Free vanilla
1 cup coconut ( I like the sweetened shredded)
3 cups certified gluten Free fine oatmeal

Mix well.

Drop by spoon on wax paper lined pans.
Let cool until they appear glazed or when hard.


These keep very well in air tight containers in the freezer.


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  • avatar

    Hi Vivian, my recipe does have Coconut in it as well :o)

    Coconut does not have Gluten in it naturally, although in some brands it can be added as "Modified Food Starch" to prevent sticking. I tend to use "SWEETENED" coconut as they use icing sugar instead of the MFS.

  • avatar

    I put coconut in mine besides the oatmeal. Does coconut have gluten in it?

  • avatar

    Triple mmmmmm!!!!! These look great :)