Dessert Recipe Dessert Recipe Dessert Recipe Dessert Recipe Dessert Recipe

bread pudding

Keith Smith

For Dessert ( Cakes )


Published on

1hr minutes to prepare and 1hr minutes to cook

Serves 8


eny old bread that you have left over,about six to 8 rounds,butter or marg


bread buttered,mixed friut,mixed spices,water.,1 egg


put the bread in a large bowel with water,place a plate ontop of the bread to waigh it down,when soggy,draine,mix in 1 egg fruit and mixed spices,grees a big baking tin or bowel,and cook in the middle of the overn gas no 4 to 5 for 1 to 1 and half hrs or untill furm,serv hot or cold with custard or cream.


it does not matur if u use old or just of moldy bread as this bread pudding a way of using up old unwanted bread.


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