Breakfast Recipe Breakfast Recipe Breakfast Recipe Breakfast Recipe Breakfast Recipe

Lover's Wedding Cake

Paula Mcgregor

For Breakfast


Published on

10 minutes to prepare and 10 minutes to cook

Serves 20+


1Tblsp Love
2Tblsps Sweet Temper
3/4 Tblsps Self -Forgetfulness
1/2 Pint Rippling Laughter
1/2 Wine Glass Confidence
1/2Tsp Buttered Youth
1/2 tsp Powered Wit
1/2 tsp Dry Humour
1/2 tsps Sweet Argument
1/2 Tblsp Good Looks


1.Put Flavour of Love and Good Looks and Sweet Temper into a Well Furnished Home.
2. Mix Buttered Youth with Confidence and Self Laughter, then add to Sweet Argument.
3. Work Together Until Thoroughly Mixed and Bake Gently Forever.


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