Dessert Recipe Dessert Recipe Dessert Recipe Dessert Recipe Dessert Recipe

cheese cake

Samantha van Amelsvoord

For Dessert ( Cakes, Cheese )


Published on

10-15 minutes to prepare and

Serves 8


whith this cheese cake you can put lemon juice or passionfruit if you like depending on how many people you want it to serve you may need to use a small dish or a large one for more.


1 packet of biscuits
1 - 2 packets of philly cheese
juice from a lemon
choclate dust


into a glass dish place a layer of biscuits
then cut biscuits if needed for the sides
place philly cheese and lemon on a bowl and mix together to its smooth.
then pour onto biscuits nice and even then dust with choclate.
refridgerate until set.


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