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bara breth

Keith Smith

For Snack / Other


Published on

12hrs minutes to prepare and 1-2hrs minutes to cook

Serves 5-10


12 hrs is needed for the tea to soke in the fruit and sugar over night.


half a pound of mixed fruit,half a pint tea u can use whatever tea u like,but make it strong tea.1 egg half pound whit or dark sugar,10 oz flouer


soke fruit in the tea overnight,u can add the suger at this stage, the next day add 1 egg and flouer mix well it will be runny,grees a baking tray line it and pour into tray,bake at 160c gas no 3 for 1 and a half hrs on the bottom shelf


this is a welsh recipe, good luck and enjoy add custad or eat on it by its self it shoud be moset.


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